GoSpace Manager

Version v0.11.0

Manage Google Workspace resources using a developer-friendly CLI written in Go


Batch inserts buildings using a CSV file as input.


Implements the API documented at https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/directory/reference/rest/v1/resources.buildings/insert

gsm buildings insert batch [flags]


      --addressLines int                Unstructured address lines describing the lower levels of an address.
      --addressLines_ALL strings        Same as addressLines but value is applied to all lines in the CSV file
      --administrativeArea int          Optional. Highest administrative subdivision which is used for postal addresses of a country or region.
      --administrativeArea_ALL string   Same as administrativeArea but value is applied to all lines in the CSV file
      --batchThreads int                Specify the number of threads that should be used for batch commands (overrides value in config file. Max 16)
      --buildingId int                  The ID of the file.
      --buildingName int                The building name as seen by users in Calendar.
                                        Must be unique for the customer. For example, "NYC-CHEL".
                                        The maximum length is 100 characters.
      --buildingName_ALL string         Same as buildingName but value is applied to all lines in the CSV file
      --coordinatesSource int           Source from which Building.coordinates are derived.
                                        Acceptable values are:
                                        CLIENT_SPECIFIED       - Building.coordinates are set to the coordinates included in the request.
                                        RESOLVED_FROM_ADDRESS  - Building.coordinates are automatically populated based on the postal address.
                                        SOURCE_UNSPECIFIED     - Defaults to RESOLVED_FROM_ADDRESS if postal address is provided. Otherwise, defaults to CLIENT_SPECIFIED if coordinates are provided. (default)
      --coordinatesSource_ALL string    Same as coordinatesSource but value is applied to all lines in the CSV file
      --customer int                    The unique ID for the customer's Workspace account. As an account administrator, you can also use the my_customer alias to represent your account's customer ID.
      --customer_ALL string             Same as customer but value is applied to all lines in the CSV file
      --delimiter string                Delimiter to use for CSV columns. Must be exactly one character. Default is ';'
      --description int                 A brief description of the building. For example, "Chelsea Market".
      --description_ALL string          Same as description but value is applied to all lines in the CSV file
      --fields int                      Fields allows partial responses to be retrieved.
                                        See https://developers.google.com/gdata/docs/2.0/basics#PartialResponse for more information.
      --fields_ALL string               Same as fields but value is applied to all lines in the CSV file
      --floorNames int                  The display names for all floors in this building.
                                        The floors are expected to be sorted in ascending order, from lowest floor to highest floor.
                                        For example, ["B2", "B1", "L", "1", "2", "2M", "3", "PH"] Must contain at least one entry.
      --floorNames_ALL strings          Same as floorNames but value is applied to all lines in the CSV file
  -h, --help                            help for batch
      --languageCode int                Optional. BCP-47 language code of the contents of this address (if known).
      --languageCode_ALL string         Same as languageCode but value is applied to all lines in the CSV file
      --latitude int                    Latitude in decimal degrees.
      --latitude_ALL float              Same as latitude but value is applied to all lines in the CSV file
      --locality int                    Optional. Generally refers to the city/town portion of the address.
                                        Examples: US city, IT comune, UK post town.
                                        In regions of the world where localities are not well defined or do not fit into this structure well, leave locality empty and use addressLines.
      --locality_ALL string             Same as locality but value is applied to all lines in the CSV file
      --longitude int                   Longitude in decimal degrees.
      --longitude_ALL float             Same as longitude but value is applied to all lines in the CSV file
      --path string                     Path of the import file (CSV)
      --postalCode int                  Optional. Postal code of the address.
      --postalCode_ALL string           Same as postalCode but value is applied to all lines in the CSV file
      --regionCode int                  Required. CLDR region code of the country/region of the address.
      --regionCode_ALL string           Same as regionCode but value is applied to all lines in the CSV file
      --skipHeader                      Whether to skip the first row (header)
      --sublocality int                 Optional. Sublocality of the address.
      --sublocality_ALL string          Same as sublocality but value is applied to all lines in the CSV file

Options inherited from parent commands

      --compressOutput         By default, GSM outputs "pretty" (indented) objects. By setting this flag, GSM's output will be compressed. This may or may not improve performance in scripts.
      --config string          config file (default is $HOME/.config/gsm/.gsm.yaml)
      --delay int              This delay (plus a random jitter between 0 and 50) will be applied after every command to avoid reaching quota and rate limits. Set to 0 to disable.
      --dwdSubject string      Specify a subject used for DWD impersonation (overrides value in config file)
      --log string             Set the path of the log file. Default is either ~/gsm.log or defined in your config file
      --maxElapsedTime int     This is the maximum total time that will be spent retrying a request in minutes. (default 15)
      --maxRetryInterval int   This is the maximum interval that will be used between retry attempts in seconds. (default 320)
      --redirectPort int       This is the TCP port on which GSM will create web server if you authenticate with a user account for the first time. This is necessary for the OAuth flow. See https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/native-app#redirect-uri_loopback (default 8081)
      --retryOn ints           Specify the HTTP error code(s) that GSM should retry on. Note that GSM will always retry on HTTP 403 errors that indicate a quota / rate limit error
      --streamOutput           Setting this flag will cause GSM to output slice values to stdout one by one, instead of one large object