GoSpace Manager

Version v0.11.0

Manage Google Workspace resources using a developer-friendly CLI written in Go


Takes an action that affects a Chrome OS Device. This includes deprovisioning, disabling, and re-enabling devices.


Implements the API documented at https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/directory/reference/rest/v1/chromeosdevices/action

gsm chromeOsDevices action [flags]


      --action string              Action to be taken on the Chrome OS device
                                   Acceptable values are:
                                   deprovision  - Remove a device from management that is no longer active, being resold, or is being submitted for return / repair, use the deprovision action to dissociate it from management.
                                   disable      - If you believe a device in your organization has been lost or stolen, you can disable the device so that no one else can use it.
                                                  When a device is disabled, all the user can see when turning on the Chrome device is a screen telling them that it has been disabled, and your desired contact information of where to return the device.
                                                  Note: Configuration of the message to appear on a disabled device must be completed within the admin console.
                                    reenable    - Re-enable a disabled device when a misplaced device is found or a lost device is returned. You can also use this feature if you accidentally mark a Chrome device as disabled.
                                                  Note: The re-enable action can only be performed on devices marked as disabled.
      --customerId string          The unique ID for the customer's Workspace account.
                                   As an account administrator, you can also use the my_customer alias to represent your account's customerId.
                                   The customerId is also returned as part of the Users resource. (default "my_customer")
      --deprovisionReason string   Only used when the action is deprovision. With the deprovision action, this field is required.
                                   Note: The deprovision reason is audited because it might have implications on licenses for perpetual subscription customers.
                                   Acceptable values are:
                                   different_model_replacement  - Use if you're upgrading or replacing your device with a newer model of the same device.
                                   retiring_device              - Use if you're reselling, donating, or permanently removing the device from use.
                                   same_model_replacement       - Use if a hardware issue was encountered on a device and it is being replaced with the same model or a like-model replacement from a repair vendor / manufacturer.
                                   upgrade_transfer             - Use if you're replacing your Cloud Ready devices with Chromebooks within one year.
  -h, --help                       help for action
      --resourceId string          The unique ID of the device.
                                   The resourceIds are returned in the response from the chromeosdevices.list method.

Options inherited from parent commands

      --compressOutput         By default, GSM outputs "pretty" (indented) objects. By setting this flag, GSM's output will be compressed. This may or may not improve performance in scripts.
      --config string          config file (default is $HOME/.config/gsm/.gsm.yaml)
      --delay int              This delay (plus a random jitter between 0 and 50) will be applied after every command to avoid reaching quota and rate limits. Set to 0 to disable.
      --dwdSubject string      Specify a subject used for DWD impersonation (overrides value in config file)
      --log string             Set the path of the log file. Default is either ~/gsm.log or defined in your config file
      --maxElapsedTime int     This is the maximum total time that will be spent retrying a request in minutes. (default 15)
      --maxRetryInterval int   This is the maximum interval that will be used between retry attempts in seconds. (default 320)
      --redirectPort int       This is the TCP port on which GSM will create web server if you authenticate with a user account for the first time. This is necessary for the OAuth flow. See https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/native-app#redirect-uri_loopback (default 8081)
      --retryOn ints           Specify the HTTP error code(s) that GSM should retry on. Note that GSM will always retry on HTTP 403 errors that indicate a quota / rate limit error
      --streamOutput           Setting this flag will cause GSM to output slice values to stdout one by one, instead of one large object