GoSpace Manager

Version v0.11.0

Manage Google Workspace resources using a developer-friendly CLI written in Go


Updates language settings.


If successful, the return object contains the displayLanguage that was saved for the user, which may differ from the value passed into the request. This is because the requested displayLanguage may not be directly supported by Gmail but have a close variant that is, and so the variant may be chosen and saved instead. Implements the API documented at https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/reference/rest/v1/users.settings/updateLanguage

gsm gmailSettings updateLanguage [flags]


      --displayLanguage string   The language to display Gmail in, formatted as an RFC 3066 Language Tag (for example en-GB, fr or ja for British English, French, or Japanese respectively).
                                 The set of languages supported by Gmail evolves over time, so please refer to the "Language" dropdown in the Gmail settings for all available options, as described in the language settings help article. A table of sample values is also provided in the Managing Language Settings guide
                                 Not all Gmail clients can display the same set of languages. In the case that a user's display language is not available for use on a particular client, said client automatically chooses to display in the closest supported variant (or a reasonable default).
      --fields string            Fields allows partial responses to be retrieved.
                                 See https://developers.google.com/gdata/docs/2.0/basics#PartialResponse for more information.
  -h, --help                     help for updateLanguage
      --userId string            The user's email address. The special value "me" can be used to indicate the authenticated user. (default "me")

Options inherited from parent commands

      --compressOutput         By default, GSM outputs "pretty" (indented) objects. By setting this flag, GSM's output will be compressed. This may or may not improve performance in scripts.
      --config string          config file (default is $HOME/.config/gsm/.gsm.yaml)
      --delay int              This delay (plus a random jitter between 0 and 50) will be applied after every command to avoid reaching quota and rate limits. Set to 0 to disable.
      --dwdSubject string      Specify a subject used for DWD impersonation (overrides value in config file)
      --log string             Set the path of the log file. Default is either ~/gsm.log or defined in your config file
      --maxElapsedTime int     This is the maximum total time that will be spent retrying a request in minutes. (default 15)
      --maxRetryInterval int   This is the maximum interval that will be used between retry attempts in seconds. (default 320)
      --redirectPort int       This is the TCP port on which GSM will create web server if you authenticate with a user account for the first time. This is necessary for the OAuth flow. See https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/native-app#redirect-uri_loopback (default 8081)
      --retryOn ints           Specify the HTTP error code(s) that GSM should retry on. Note that GSM will always retry on HTTP 403 errors that indicate a quota / rate limit error
      --streamOutput           Setting this flag will cause GSM to output slice values to stdout one by one, instead of one large object