GoSpace Manager

Version v0.11.0

Manage Google Workspace resources using a developer-friendly CLI written in Go


Updates an existing resource. This method supports patch semantics.


Implements the API documented at https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/groups-settings/v1/reference/groups/patch

gsm groupSettings patch [flags]


      --allowExternalMembers string                 Identifies whether members external to your organization can join the group.
                                                    true   - Workspace users external to your organization can become members of this group.
                                                    false  - Users not belonging to the organization are not allowed to become members of this group.
      --allowWebPosting string                      Allows posting from web.
                                                    true   - Allows any member to post to the group forum.
                                                    false  - Members only use Gmail to communicate with the group.
      --archiveOnly string                          Allows the group to be archived only.
                                                    true   - Group is archived and the group is inactive. New messages to this group are rejected. The older archived messages are browseable and searchable.
                                                               - If true, the whoCanPostMessage property is set to NONE_CAN_POST.
                                                               - If reverted from true to false, whoCanPostMessages is set to ALL_MANAGERS_CAN_POST.
                                                    false  - The group is active and can receive messages.
                                                    		   - When false, updating whoCanPostMessage to NONE_CAN_POST, results in an error.
      --customFooterText string                     Set the content of custom footer text.
                                                    The maximum number of characters is 1000.
      --customReplyTo string                        An email address used when replying to a message if the replyTo property is set to REPLY_TO_CUSTOM.
                                                    This address is defined by an account administrator.
                                                    When the group's ReplyTo property is set to REPLY_TO_CUSTOM, the customReplyTo property holds a custom email address used when replying to a message.
                                                    If the group's ReplyTo property is set to REPLY_TO_CUSTOM, the customReplyTo property must have a text value or an error is returned.
      --defaultMessageDenyNotificationText string   When a message is rejected, this is text for the rejection notification sent to the message's author.
                                                    By default, this property is empty and has no value in the API's response body.
                                                    The maximum notification text size is 10,000 characters.
      --enableCollaborativeInbox string             Specifies whether a collaborative inbox will remain turned on for the group.
      --favoriteRepliesOnTop string                 Indicates if favorite replies should be displayed above other replies.
                                                    true   - Favorite replies will be displayed above other replies.
                                                    false  - Favorite replies will not be displayed above other replies.
      --fields string                               Fields allows partial responses to be retrieved.
                                                    See https://developers.google.com/gdata/docs/2.0/basics#PartialResponse for more information.
      --groupUniqueId string                        The group's email address.
  -h, --help                                        help for patch
      --ignoreDeprecated                            Ignore deprecated fields. (default true)
      --includeCustomFooter string                  Whether to include custom footer.
      --includeInGlobalAddressList string           Enables the group to be included in the Global Address List. For more information, see the help center.
                                                    true   - Group is included in the Global Address List.
                                                    false  - Group is not included in the Global Address List.
      --isArchived string                           Allows the Group contents to be archived.
                                                    true   - Archive messages sent to the group.
                                                    false  - Do not keep an archive of messages sent to this group.
                                                             If false, previously archived messages remain in the archive.
      --membersCanPostAsTheGroup string             Enables members to post messages as the group.
                                                    true   - Group member can post messages using the group's email address instead of their own email address.
                                                             Message appear to originate from the group itself.
                                                             Note: When true, any message moderation settings on individual users or new members do not apply to posts made on behalf of the group.
                                                    false  - Members can not post in behalf of the group's email address.
      --messageModerationLevel string               Moderation level of incoming messages.
                                                    MODERATE_ALL_MESSAGES  - All messages are sent to the group owner's email address for approval. If approved, the message is sent to the group.
                                                    MODERATE_NON_MEMBERS   - All messages from non group members are sent to the group owner's email address for approval. If approved, the message is sent to the group.
                                                    MODERATE_NEW_MEMBERS   - All messages from new members are sent to the group owner's email address for approval. If approved, the message is sent to the group.
                                                    MODERATE_NONE          - No moderator approval is required. Messages are delivered directly to the group.
      --primaryLanguage string                      The primary language for group.
                                                    For a group's primary language use the language tags from the Workspace languages found at Workspace Email Settings API Email Language Tags.
      --replyTo string                              Specifies who the default reply should go to.
                                                    REPLY_TO_CUSTOM    - For replies to messages, use the group's custom email address.
                                                    					   - When the group's ReplyTo property is set to REPLY_TO_CUSTOM, the customReplyTo property holds the custom email address used when replying to a message.
                                                    						 If the group's ReplyTo property is set to REPLY_TO_CUSTOM, the customReplyTo property must have a value.
                                                    						 Otherwise an error is returned.
                                                    REPLY_TO_SENDER    - The reply sent to author of message.
                                                    REPLY_TO_LIST      - This reply message is sent to the group.
                                                    REPLY_TO_OWNER     - The reply is sent to the owners of the group. This doesn't include the group's managers.
                                                    REPLY_TO_IGNORE    - Group users individually decide where the message reply is sent.
                                                    REPLY_TO_MANAGERS  - This reply message is sent to the group's managers, which includes all managers and the group owner.
      --sendMessageDenyNotification string          Allows a member to be notified if the member's message to the group is denied by the group owner.
                                                    true   - When a message is rejected, send the deny message notification to the message author.
                                                             The defaultMessageDenyNotificationText property is dependent on the sendMessageDenyNotification property being true.
                                                    false  - When a message is rejected, no notification is sent.
      --spamModerationLevel string                  Specifies moderation levels for messages detected as spam.
                                                    ALLOW              - Post the message to the group.
                                                    MODERATE           - Send the message to the moderation queue. This is the default.
                                                    SILENTLY_MODERATE  - Send the message to the moderation queue, but do not send notification to moderators.
                                                    REJECT             - Immediately reject the message.
      --whoCanApproveMembers string                 Specifies who can approve members who ask to join groups.
                                                    This permission will be deprecated once it is merged into the new whoCanModerateMembers setting.
      --whoCanAssistContent string                  Specifies who can moderate metadata.
      --whoCanBanUsers string                       Specifies who can deny membership to users.
                                                    This permission will be deprecated once it is merged into the new whoCanModerateMembers setting.
      --whoCanContactOwner string                   Specifies who can contact the group owner.
      --whoCanDiscoverGroup string                  Specifies the set of users for whom this group is discoverable.
      --whoCanJoin string                           Permission to join group.
                                                    ANYONE_CAN_JOIN         - Any Internet user, both inside and outside your domain, can join the group.
                                                    ALL_IN_DOMAIN_CAN_JOIN  - Anyone in the account domain can join. This includes accounts with multiple domains.
                                                    INVITED_CAN_JOIN        - Candidates for membership can be invited to join.
                                                    CAN_REQUEST_TO_JOIN     - Non members can request an invitation to join.
      --whoCanLeaveGroup string                     Specifies who can leave the group.
      --whoCanModerateContent string                Specifies who can moderate content.
      --whoCanModerateMembers string                Specifies who can manage members.
      --whoCanPostMessage string                    Permissions to post messages.
                                                    NONE_CAN_POST           - The group is disabled and archived. No one can post a message to this group.
                                                                                - When archiveOnly is false, updating whoCanPostMessage to NONE_CAN_POST, results in an error.
                                                                                - If archiveOnly is reverted from true to false, whoCanPostMessages is set to ALL_MANAGERS_CAN_POST.
                                                    ALL_MANAGERS_CAN_POST   - Managers, including group owners, can post messages.
                                                    ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_POST    - Any group member can post a message.
                                                    ALL_OWNERS_CAN_POST     - Only group owners can post a message.
                                                    ALL_IN_DOMAIN_CAN_POST  - Anyone in the account can post a message.
                                                    ANYONE_CAN_POST         - Any Internet user who outside your account can access your Google Groups service and post a message.
      --whoCanViewGroup string                      Permissions to view group messages.
                                                    ANYONE_CAN_VIEW         - Any Internet user can view the group's messages.
                                                    ALL_IN_DOMAIN_CAN_VIEW  - Anyone in your account can view this group's messages.
                                                    ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_VIEW    - All group members can view the group's messages.
                                                    ALL_MANAGERS_CAN_VIEW   - Any group manager can view this group's messages.
                                                    ALL_OWNERS_CAN_VIEW     - Any group owner can view this group's messages.
      --whoCanViewMembership string                 Permissions to view membership.
                                                    ALL_IN_DOMAIN_CAN_VIEW  - Anyone in the account can view the group members list.
                                                                              If a group already has external members, those members can still send email to this group.
                                                    ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_VIEW    - The group members can view the group members list.
                                                    ALL_MANAGERS_CAN_VIEW   - The group managers can view group members list.

Options inherited from parent commands

      --compressOutput         By default, GSM outputs "pretty" (indented) objects. By setting this flag, GSM's output will be compressed. This may or may not improve performance in scripts.
      --config string          config file (default is $HOME/.config/gsm/.gsm.yaml)
      --delay int              This delay (plus a random jitter between 0 and 50) will be applied after every command to avoid reaching quota and rate limits. Set to 0 to disable.
      --dwdSubject string      Specify a subject used for DWD impersonation (overrides value in config file)
      --log string             Set the path of the log file. Default is either ~/gsm.log or defined in your config file
      --maxElapsedTime int     This is the maximum total time that will be spent retrying a request in minutes. (default 15)
      --maxRetryInterval int   This is the maximum interval that will be used between retry attempts in seconds. (default 320)
      --redirectPort int       This is the TCP port on which GSM will create web server if you authenticate with a user account for the first time. This is necessary for the OAuth flow. See https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/native-app#redirect-uri_loopback (default 8081)
      --retryOn ints           Specify the HTTP error code(s) that GSM should retry on. Note that GSM will always retry on HTTP 403 errors that indicate a quota / rate limit error
      --streamOutput           Setting this flag will cause GSM to output slice values to stdout one by one, instead of one large object