GoSpace Manager

Version v0.11.0

Manage Google Workspace resources using a developer-friendly CLI written in Go


Updates an InboundSsoAssignment.


Implements the API documented at https://cloud.google.com/identity/docs/reference/rest/v1/inboundSsoAssignments/patch

gsm ssoAssignments patch [flags]


      --customer string                The customer.
                                       For example: customers/C0123abc.
      --fields string                  Fields allows partial responses to be retrieved.
                                       See https://developers.google.com/gdata/docs/2.0/basics#PartialResponse for more information.
  -h, --help                           help for patch
      --inboundSamlSsoProfile string   Name of the InboundSamlSsoProfile to use.
                                       Must be of the form inboundSamlSsoProfiles/{inboundSamlSsoProfile}.
      --name string                    The resource name of the InboundSsoAssignment.
                                       Format: inboundSsoAssignments/{assignment}
      --rank int                       Must be zero (which is the default value so it can be omitted) for assignments with targetOrgUnit set and must be greater-than-or-equal-to one for assignments with targetGroup set.
      --ssoMode string                 Inbound SSO behaviors.
                                       May be one of the following:
                                       - SSO_OFF                      - Disable SSO for the targeted users.
                                       - SAML_SSO                     - Use an external SAML Identity Provider for SSO for the targeted users.
                                       - DOMAIN_WIDE_SAML_IF_ENABLED  - Use the domain-wide SAML Identity Provider for the targeted users if one is configured; otherwise, this is equivalent to SSO_OFF.
                                                                        Note that this will also be equivalent to SSO_OFF if/when support for domain-wide SAML is removed.
                                                                        Google may disallow this mode at that point and existing assignments with this mode may be automatically changed to SSO_OFF.
      --targetGroup string             Must be of the form groups/{group}
                                       Only ONE of --targetGroup and --targetOrgUnit may be specified.
      --targetOrgUnit string           Must be of the form orgUnits/{orgUnit}.
                                       Only ONE of --targetGroup and --targetOrgUnit may be specified.

Options inherited from parent commands

      --compressOutput         By default, GSM outputs "pretty" (indented) objects. By setting this flag, GSM's output will be compressed. This may or may not improve performance in scripts.
      --config string          config file (default is $HOME/.config/gsm/.gsm.yaml)
      --delay int              This delay (plus a random jitter between 0 and 50) will be applied after every command to avoid reaching quota and rate limits. Set to 0 to disable.
      --dwdSubject string      Specify a subject used for DWD impersonation (overrides value in config file)
      --log string             Set the path of the log file. Default is either ~/gsm.log or defined in your config file
      --maxElapsedTime int     This is the maximum total time that will be spent retrying a request in minutes. (default 15)
      --maxRetryInterval int   This is the maximum interval that will be used between retry attempts in seconds. (default 320)
      --redirectPort int       This is the TCP port on which GSM will create web server if you authenticate with a user account for the first time. This is necessary for the OAuth flow. See https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/native-app#redirect-uri_loopback (default 8081)
      --retryOn ints           Specify the HTTP error code(s) that GSM should retry on. Note that GSM will always retry on HTTP 403 errors that indicate a quota / rate limit error
      --streamOutput           Setting this flag will cause GSM to output slice values to stdout one by one, instead of one large object